Elementary Charge
1869-1959 Charles Thomson Rees Wilson [Wikipedia]
1856-1940 Joseph John Thomson [Wikipedia]
1874-1964 Harold Albert Wilson [Wikipedia]
1868-1953 Robert Andrews Millikan [Wikipedia]
1899 Thomson

He employed the technique of a cloud chamber developed by Charles Thomson Rees Wilson.
e = 6.8x10-10 stat C = 2.27x10-19 C ( 1 stat C = 3.335641x10-10 C )

J. J. Thomson
On the masses of the ions in gases at low pressures
London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine Journal of Science 5th Series, Volume 48, pp. 547-567 (1899).

C. T. R. Wilson
The effect of Röntgen's rays on cloudy condensation
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Volume 59, pp. 338-339 (1896).

C. T. R. Wilson
Condensation of water vapour in the presence of dust-free air and other gases
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Volume 61, pp. 240-242 (1897).
1903 H. A. Wilson

He calculated the elementary charge from the velocity of the water droplet affected by the electric field.
e = 3.1x10-10 stat C = 1.0x10-19 C

H. A. Wilson
A determination of the charge on the ions produced in air by Röntogen rays
London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine Journal of Science 6th Series, Volume 5, pp. 429-441 (1903).
1909 Millikan

Modified water drop experiments.
What's modified ?
"This modification of the cloud method of determining e consists:
1. In making observations, not upon the surface of a cloud, but upon single isolated drops carrying multiple charges.
2. ...
3. ..."

Results: 4.66x10-10 stat C = 1.55x10-19 C

R. A. Millikan
A new modification of the cloud method of measuring the elementary electrical charge, and the most probable value of that charge
Physical Review Series I, Volume 29, pp. 560-561 (1909).
(in Proceedings of the American Physical Society. Minutes of the Forty-Seventh Meeting)
[DOI] [Caltech]
1910 Millikan

Oil drop experiments
e = 4.9016 x 10-10 statC = 1.635x10-19 C

R. A. Millikan
The isolation of an ion, a precision measurementof its charge, and the correction of stokes's law
Science, Volume 32, pp. 436-448 (1910).