William Gilbert (1544-1603) [Wikipedia]
Introduction of the term "electrica (electricus)"
1600 William Gilbert
Guilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, Medici Londinensis,
De Magnete, Magneticisqve Corporibus, et de Magno Magnete Tellure:
Physiologia Noua Plurimis & Argumentis, & Experimentis Demonstrata
(Petrvs Short, London, 1600).
[Archive] [Archive]

[English Translation]
William Gilbert
On The Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies, and On The Great Magnet The Earth
A New Physiology, Demonstrated with Many Arguments and Experiments.
A taranslation by by P. Fleury Mottelay
(John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1893)
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Latin: in pp. 46-60, Liber Secvndus, Cap. II
English: in pp. 74-97, Book Second, Chapter II

Latin: p. 47, Graeci vocant ηλεκτρον
English: p. 75, The Greeks call this substance ηλεκτρον

Latin: p. 48, "effluuia telluris electrica", "electrica firmius"
English: p. 78, "electrical effluvia", "electric bodies"
Thomas Browne (1605-1682) [Wkikipedia]
The first English translation "electric" or "electrical" corresponding to the Latin "electrica"
1646 Thomas Browne
Pseudodoxia Epidemica: Or, Enquiries Into Very Many Received Tenents, and Commonly Presumed Truths. The Fourth Edition
(Edward Dod, London, 1658)
[Archive (4th Edition, 1658)] [Univ. Chicago (6th Edition, 1672)] [Univ. Michigan (1st Edition, 1646)]

pp. 86-91, Chap. IV, Of Bodies Electrical