Research Projects and Links to The Summary of Recent Achievements / Shirafuji |
Plasma depolymerization of natural-product-derived maclomolecules |
Supported by JSPS/MEXT KAKENHI (19H01888 and 20K20913), JST-OPERA(JPMJOP1843), and JST A-STEP(JPMJTR20UK). |
Plasma Bullets |
Supported by JSPS/MEXT KAKENHI (19H01888, K19K03811, 20K20913) and Center for Low-Temperature Plasma Sciences (cLPS), Nagoya University. |
Toward large volume solution plasmas | |
Application of multi-media plasmas to nano-material treatment | |
Understanding chemistry in the plasmas involving water | |
Understanding physics in the plasmas involving water | |
[Previous achievements are linked here.] | |
Supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, Scientific Research on Innovative Areas Frontier science of interactions between plasmas and nano-interfaces (Area representative: Prof. Masaharu SHIRATANI, Kyushu Univ.) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. CREST/JST. The Knowledge Cluster Initiative Tokai Region Nanotechnology Manufacturing Cluster. |