Effects of Cascade Reactions in CVD: COMSOL Model |
Assumed electron density profile |
Parent molecule: HMDSO= (CH3)3-Si-O-Si-(CH3)3 Simplified cascade reactions assumed in the model. Reaction 1 to produce org/inorg. hybrid precursors HMDSO + e --> (CH3)3SiOSi + 3CH3 Reaction 2 to produce inorganic precursors (CH3)3SiOSi + e --> SiOSi + 3CH3 *Please reload this page to synchronize the animation gifs. |
Density profile of parent gas i.e. HMDSO |
Density profile of by-product i.e. CH3 |
HMDSO molecules are going to run out except the area near the source-gas feed port in the steady-state condition. | Since CH3 radicals are not assumed to be decposited, their density profile becoems uniform in the steady-state condition. |
Density profile of the 1st product i.e. (CH3)3SiOSi |
Density profile of the 2nd product i.e. SiOSi |
Since the parent molecules are running out except the area near the gas-feed port, the 1st product distribute only around the gas-feed port. Namely, organic/inorganic hybrid precursors contribute only on the substrate surface being close to the feed port. | The source species for the 2nd product is the 1st product. Since density profile of the 1st product is relatively uniform compared to that of parent HMDSO, the density profile of the 2nd product becomes rather uniform. |